Monday, October 9, 2017

This week's health goal: Gargle With Salt Water

This Week's Health Goal: Gargle 
With Salt Water

One of the easiest and most effective ways to maintain a healthy mouth is to do a simple salt rinse. It combats gingivitis, bad breath, sore throats, and will also help sores heal faster. 

How does it do all of this? Salt temporarily increases the pH of your mouth to create an alkaline environment. This makes it hard for bacteria to survive. Salt water is also an isotonic solution, meaning it contains the same concentrations of salts in our body. Therefore, it doesn't irritate the mucous membranes of our mouth like other medicinal mouthwashes, and can be a very gentle way of keeping the mouth clean. 

From a maintenance standpoint of view, you can safely do a salt rinse three to four times a week. Salt rinsing every day risks weakening the enamel of the teeth. However, when you have a sore throat or are recovering from oral surgery, doing a salt rinse three to four times a day will help your mouth and throat heal faster. 

How to Make a Salt Water Solution
4 ounces of warm water
1/2 tsp of sea salt (or table salt)
1 tsp baking soda (optional)

Swirl the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds 
and then spit it out!

yours in health,
dr samantha boldt

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